Frequently Asked Questions About Counseling in Santa Clarita, CA

Counseling is a big decision. You want to make sure you find the right fit.

You may have some questions before you decide to work with me.

I do my best to update this regularly if any information changes, or if I hear from a few people asking the same questions. If you’d like an answer to a question and you can’t find it here, please feel free to send me an email or schedule a phone consult, and you’ll be directly in contact with me!

Who knew when you started googling find a therapist near me that you would’ve find so many options, and be left with SO many questions? I am here to help!

How do I choose the right counselor in Santa Clarita?

There are many decisions that go into choosing the right therapist, and I know from the research that clinical fit is the most important component of actually making progress in therapy - which is why I’m so eager to connect you with the best counselor, even if I end up referring you out.

I specialize in ADHD, Autism, anxiety and anxiety-driven anger for kids, teens, and college students. Everyone has their own clinical backgrounds and approaches, meaning that, during the free consultation call, we can explore the pros and cons of working with art and play therapy techniques, DBT & CBT, and using a lot of mindfulness and relaxation.

My first session with you is super in depth, to make sure you and your child are finding the best possible fit - and if I’m not the best option for what’s going on, I’ll connect you with other great resources here in Santa Clarita. While protecting my relationship with your child I keep lines of communication open with the parents. You can contact me anytime! I also love having the parents join us in the session or have their own session with me if your child is comfortable with that.

How do counseling sessions typically last with SCV Children’s Counseling in Santa Clarita? 

Each Counseling Session with children, teens or parents lasts 50 minutes.

What happens during the first counseling session? 

During the first session we will do a thorough history and establish specific goals for your child, teen, or young adult. Depending on the situation, the parents join me first, then your child joins us. I will spend time with your kid alone and we will play a game or use art to break the ice and build a relationship. Your child will look forward to his next visit!

How do I know if I (or my child) really need counseling? 

Yes, especially in the beginning. We will suggest things for you do to at home that will support the work we do in our therapy sessions. We have found that clients make significantly faster progress when they do the homework. Much of the homework is to support the integration of the deep work we do in session..

How often will I need to come to counseling? 

We have found that meeting weekly improve kids’ progress toward their goals. For that reason, we meet with clients weekly. We will establish a set to time to meet each week and that will be our reoccurring weekly appointment. Doing healing work with children, teens and young adults at the level that will sustain long-term change takes time. It’s a commitment. Children that invest in the time get better faster and with less relapse into old patterns..

How long will I need to come to counseling? 

Clients commit to at least 12 sessions, if we decide we’re a good fit following that initial meeting.

We’ll check in on progress every single week, and after the end of 12 weeks we’ll evaluate if we’re reaching goals. The kids and teens we work with really make a marked improvement when we commit to at least three months.

At the end of those 12 weeks, we either graduate from counseling, finish out services with a referral to someone else, or we continue to work together on our identified goals. About 70% of our clients decide to meet for longer than 12 sessions.

How much do sessions cost? 

Sessions are $195 for 50 minutes.

Are sessions covered by my insurance?

I am not contracted with any insurance companies directly, however, I have a platform that allows me to submit out-of-network claims so that you don’t have to hassle with the Superbills.  

How do I seek reimbursement from my insurance company? 

My rate is $195 per 50 minute session. My online platform will charge you after each session. Then I will give you a special receipt to submit to your insurance company for them to reimburse you.

There are like a million insurance plans, and all of them are very different, so I’d recommend that you call your insurance plan and find out what percentage they reimburse. Some insurance companies are super fast, while others take a bit to get going.

What is your Availability? 

Rather than worrying about scheduling a different time every single week, A weekly appointment time is set aside that’s protected for you - we won’t schedule anyone else during your time.

We offer appointments Monday through Thursday at a variety of different times to best accommodate busy schedules. Because that session slot is saved for each client, you may have to start sessions at a less than ideal time.

We know how important it is to get you into counseling when you’re ready. So, if you’re unable to commit to a weekly time from what session slots we have available, we want to be sure to refer you out to someone who may be able to better accommodate that scheduling need. Once you’re an established client, we’ll be sure to offer you new appointment times before opening it up to the public - you get first dibs!

Where do child, teen, or young adult counseling sessions take place? 

Sessions with me in Santa Clarita, CA. are in Valencia. My location is beautiful. You’ll love hanging out in the lobby on the third floor reading inspiring literature or playing with your other children while you wait or you can walk through the beautiful tropical gardens down on the first floor. Both are handicap accessible. The address for counseling in Santa Clarita:

The Valencia Atruim

28494 Westinghouse Pl, Valencia, CA 91355.

Do you provide Virtual or in Person anxiety therapy, ADHD, Autism, or DBT counseling? 

Counseling in Santa Clarita with me is In Person and online options. You may end up meeting for some virtual sessions regardless, if you, your child, or I am sick, and you’ll still need to meet our session minimum requirements.

Learn how to have an awesome, effective virtual session..

How can we tell that counseling is helping my child, teenager, or myself?  

SCV Children’s Counseling in Santa Clarita is really big into tracking the data of what’s going on. Every client fills out a weekly outcomes scale and a weekly session rating scale. This way we can be really proactive about addressing concerns. The best predictor of a good clinical outcome is that therapeutic relationship, which we track through the session rating scale - so, the most important part of counseling is finding a therapist who is a good fit for you..

What’s your cancellation policy, especially during cold and flu season?

Kids and teens get sick! Grown-ups get sick, too. I have worked in schools, so I know how germs get passed around. That being said, my most important goal is maintaining clinical progress.

SCV Children’s Counseling requires 48 hours’ notice for cancellation, even if you or your child is home sick. If you’re unable to come into the office, we can do a phone session or a video session (phone sessions usually aren’t reimbursable by insurance, but video sessions may be), or can use the time for a parent consultation session.

If you start to feel sick more than 48 hours before our appointment, let us know and we’re happy to take you off the schedule! It’s a lot easier for us to fit in another client who needs to meet when you give us enough advanced notice.

If your therapist is sick or cancels, you won’t be expected to pay for that missed session.

How do we let you know that we’re ready to finish therapy?

Usually one notices clinical improvement by session 2 or session 3, it takes time to sustain that positive growth. That’s the goal - that your child or teen (or you!) can handle challenges and stressors long term - not just feeling better once the crisis has passed.

Termination/Graduation Policy:

Because I work with so many minors, I know how important it is for kids and teens to have proper closure. Rather than a parent informing me last minute that it’s our final session, I ask that parents give me 30 days’ notice to make sure that I can properly terminate and close up our work together - rather than a kid or teen feeling like, all of a sudden, I’m no longer available.

Counseling digs into some deep, important stuff. To best honor that relationship, lets make sure that you, as well as your child, are ready to move forward.

Want to learn more about how to know that you’re ready to finish therapy, and how to celebrate all the progress you’ve made?

I’m ready to get started with SCV Children’s Counseling in Santa clarita. What do I need to do next?

I know it can feel like a big step to call a counselor, but I’ll make it easy. We’ll spend 15-minutes on the phone and I’ll let you know how or if I can help. If I am not the right person, I’ll do my best to get you to the right person. Instead of playing phone tag, let’s have you pick out the best time to talk! You can do so by clicking on this button right here:

Contact me here or call 661 670-6157 to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation for counseling in Santa Clarita.


Get started with counseling, today.