Finding a counselor in Santa Clarita

Finding a counselor in Santa clarita for children, teens, young Adult, or parents.


Santa Clarita is known as Awesome Town but we all know not everything is always awesome. We don’t like to talk about that though. Everybody wants to be awesome and absolutely no one wants to be… mediocre? dull? miserable? Dare I say, shhh… socially awkward or angry?

When I first moved to Santa Clarita, CA. there were more fields then stores and more farm animals then restaurants. And NOBODY would ever admit they’re going to a therapist.

Today in Santa Clarita there are tons of counselors… pages and pages of counselors! How can you tell which one your kid will click with? Wouldn’t it be great if all the therapists on google had little videos and the videos were just like them? If you are looking for a counselor- I’d like to help you find someone who can help.

Ask the counselor for a consultation for your teen to meet the therapist.

 I want to help you find counseling in Santa Clarita that you can trust.

Many people, especially Christians or people of faith, find it hard to trust a counselor. I get that. We have values and beliefs that are the cornerstone on which we base our parenting.

Find out if your counselor or therapist is a believer. Someone who knows God’s word. Are they mature in their faith and understand how to be sensitive to the budding faith of a child, teen, or young adult?

It’s also vital that your child like their counselor. They might not want to go at first but hopefully they began to bond after a few sessions. You really want your teen or adolescent to take ownership of therapy.

Ask your counselor if your child will have goals for therapy and a time to graduate counseling. Will there be an end in sight?

Finally, find out if they have any outcome measures. In other words, how do they measure how your child is doing and if they are meeting their counseling goals?

Call and ask me all the questions you want.

A free consultation with a counselor- in Santa Clarita

I’m Robin Martin, a LPCC. I adore working with parents, children, teens, and young adults. Call me for a 15 minute consultation. 661 670-6157 or click here.


How to Find a Christian Counselor in Santa clarita, CA